Discovering and sharing Wiltshire’s local history

High Street, Corsham showing Corsham Town Hall on the right and the Flemish Weaver pub beside it. Photo by Andrew Eberlin


Draft of Vol XX Completed

We are delighted that our Chippenham & area volume is now complete. In this blog, John Chandler reflects on his role in editing the volume.

Alderbury Draft Completed

We are thrilled to announce the completion of the latest parish draft for Volume XXI.

True Happiness in Malmesbury Road

John Chandler reflects on an unusual Chippenham house name.

Map by Rachel Freegard

Click map to enlarge


A warm welcome to the Wiltshire Victoria County History Trust

We are delighted to welcome you to the website of the Wiltshire Victoria County History Trust and to share with you the story of our mission to produce a complete history of our county in 25 volumes.

The map on this page shows the volumes we have published (in green), the areas where research is happening now (in amber) and the communities whose stories we have yet to tell (in red).

The Trust is made up entirely of volunteers with a shared love of our county’s past. We raise the money for qualified historians to delve deeply into the history of our towns and villages.

Follow the links in our menu to meet the people behind the project, find out about our current work, catch up with our news, get involved and donate.

Chairman’s Message

Dear Supporter

Our mission is to commission research into the history of Wiltshire, parish by parish, and to write it up and publish it, in the famous ‘big red books’ and online. And, of course, we have to raise the funds to make this possible. We have recently passed a milestone in our work, in that research has been completed on our volume (no 20) covering the Chippenham area. The volume is now being prepared for publication, which we expect to be during 2026. Work on volume 19, covering Mere and its surrounding parishes, is also nearing completion. And research is well advanced on volume 21, covering Alderbury and the south-eastern parishes of the county.

 All this, of course, costs money. VCH research must be carried out to the highest standard – it has to be if the resulting text is to provide the truly authoritative history of our county for many decades to come – and the research and writing for just one parish typically costs around £10,000. So we need to keep generating income with the help of our supporters and the various grants for which we can apply. This is uphill work, but we are enormously grateful to the many people who have been so loyal in supporting us over the years and we hope this may long continue. Donations via this website are very welcome. As this is a long term project, we especially appreciate support given regularly, through standing orders. We have minimal overheads and all proceeds from fundraising contribute to achieving our aims. Our supporters receive a newsletter three times a year.

 Please do get in touch if you would like to know more about our work, or indeed if you have any suggestions for new ways of raising money. You can find our programme of events for 2025 in the ‘What’s On’ part of this website and we look forward to welcoming you to one or more of these.

 With thanks and best wishes

David Moss



There are three ways in which you can contribute: 


You may find that the simplest way to donate is via this website. You can reach our Charities Aid Foundation donate page by clicking here.


Alternatively you can donate by BACS transfer to our CAF Bank. Our account number is 0003 3115 and the sort code is 40-52-40. 


We are still happy to receive cheques, made out to Wiltshire Victoria County History Trust and posted to our Treasurer, Tean Dallaway, at Chippenham Museum, 10 Market Place, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3HF.

Other ways to get involved

If you are interested in the local history of Wiltshire and the work we are doing, you could also help our project by volunteering or becoming a friend.


Our work

Rooftops in Mere.  Photo by Ben Avery

Rooftops in Mere.
Photo by Ben Avery

St Mary Street in Chippenham.  Photo by Chippenham Museum Collection

St Mary Street in Chippenham.
Photo by Chippenham Museum Collection

Bringing home the harvest.  Photo by Diane Vose

Bringing home the harvest.
Photo by Diane Vose


Get involved


If you are interested in the local history of Wiltshire and the work we are doing, you could help our project by volunteering or becoming a friend.

Wiltshire Victoria County History Trust

The trust raises the funds for the work, recruits the researchers and oversees the work with the help of the central Victoria County History team based in the University of London, which manages publication. 

Wiltshire VCH is proud to be part of the greatest national publishing project in English local history.   

Abbey Mill in Bradford on Avon. Photo by Andrew Eberlin

Abbey Mill in Bradford on Avon. Photo by Andrew Eberlin