What’s On.

Photo of Salisbury Cathedral by Diane Vose

Upcoming Events.

We hope that you will wish to join us for some, or all, of these events and that you may wish to put the dates in your diary. Details for some events will follow nearer to its date.

Local History Research, A Series of ‘How To . . .’ Workshops

Ten workshops to be held in the Wiltshire & Swindon History Centre, Cocklebury Rd, Chippenham SN15 3QN fortnightly on alternate Monday mornings, 9.30 – 13.00.

Each workshop will divide into two sessions with a refreshment break. Tutoring and discussion will be led by historians from the Victoria County History and University of the West of England in a friendly and informal atmosphere. Open to all, from beginners to experienced researchers, £10 per workshop. The programme is printed below (but may be subject to minor changes).

27 Jan: MOVEMENT AND MIGRATION: roads, canals and railways, and the evolution of travel – the study of population, including migration, immigration and emigration – the drift from countryside to town.

10 Feb: COMMUNITY, SOCIETY AND WELFARE: caring for the poor, sick and elderly –local and national justice – bringing up and educating children – social activities, legal and illegal, moral and immoral.

24 Feb: WORKING LIVES OF MEN AND WOMEN: farming the land – rural and urban trades and industries – sources for women’s history – restoring the balance between male and female work.

10 Mar: THE INFLUENCE OF RELIGION: ubiquity of the medieval church – monasteries and chantries – effect of the reformation – puritans and nonconformists – Victorian religiosity and its aftermath.

Please note. There may need to be minor changes to this syllabus as the course progresses.

Participants will be notified as early as possible. You are welcome to attend some or all workshops.

Prior booking is recommended, with limited tickets available on the day. Email archives@wiltshire.gov.uk for more information.