Trying to Understand Wiltshire Townscapes Talk
On Wednesday May 19th at 7.30pm there will be an online talk by WVCH consultant editor John Chandler, hosted by the Wiltshire Museum, Devizes, entitled Trying to Understand Wiltshire Townscapes.
For nearly 70 years the Victoria County History has been researching and describing the history of Wiltshire towns and work on two of the last to be tackled, Chippenham and Mere, is under way. In recent years, as the study of landscape history has developed, VCH authors have tried to explain how towns have evolved into the shape and appearance they have today. John Chandler, currently working for the VCH on Chippenham, has both lectured and written extensively about Wiltshire towns, including Salisbury and Swindon, for many years. In this illustrated talk he will explain how the study of towns has changed since the 1950s, how this has helped us to understand and appreciate Wiltshire towns, and how these new approaches are reflected in the VCH treatment of urban history.
Booking is open now. Tickets are £9 each and can be obtained by visiting the Wiltshire Museum website and clicking on ‘Events’ or following this link.
We are extremely grateful to the Wiltshire Museum for their assistance.