Bremhill Parish History Book Update

I am delighted that after three years of collaboration between the Wiltshire VCH and the Bremhill Parish History Group, the manuscript of a new history of the parish of Bremhill is complete. The volume uses archival and online research, oral history testimonies and written articles from many volunteers within the community. The text covers all the areas included within a parish history in a VCH volume, but these are expanded, and emphasis has been placed on illustrating the history of the community through the experience of those who lived there. A number of case studies explore individual lives, aspects and events of interest, such as the trial of an accused local witch in 1564. The book will be published towards the end of the year.

While the book presents the culmination of this public history project, many people have also enjoyed the parish history talks, history workshops, village trails, parish newsletter articles and the project website that have also been created. Much of this work will continue and make an ongoing legacy. It is a testament to the project team and the community that the project has been successfully concluded despite the challenges of the Covid-19 restrictions.

I am very grateful to the community of Bremhill and to all the individuals and organisations that have helped in many ways throughout the project.

~Louise Ryland-Epton


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