Revising the Wiltshire Pevsner - A Talk by Julian Orbach

Because of continuing Covid restrictions the talk will not be given  at the Wiltshire Museum but will be available via Zoom. We are sorry that a similar talk planned to be given at Salisbury Museum on 1st July has had to be cancelled because of these restrictions.  But we hope that those who would have gone to the talk in Devizes or in Salisbury will still wish to experience it via Zoom.

Being held on Thursday 8th July 2021 at 7.30pm, this is an Online Talk hosted by Wiltshire Museum, Devizes

Julian will talk about his revision of the volume covering Wiltshire in Sir Nikolaus Pevsner's 'Buildings of England' series, which is being published in June. For some years he has been visiting historic buildings in Wiltshire, many of which are not open to the public. He will describe some of the most special things he has seen and he will tell us of amusing occurrences during his research.

We are sorry that a similar talk planned to be given at Salisbury Museum on July 1st has had to be cancelled because of Covid restrictions. However, the July 8th Talk will be available live, via Zoom.

Tickets are £9 each. They can be obtained on the Wiltshire Museum website in the Events section or by using this link:

You can also order copies of the book there at a discounted price.


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